



FDA最近提出的在包装食品的营养事实标签上添加糖的每日价值(%DV)百分比值(%DV)。FDA’s proposal also plans to add the following statement to the bottom of these labels in order to help consumers better understand what %DV means: “The percent daily value (%DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet.”

营养事实标签已经需要每日百分比百分比,以包括总脂肪,饱和脂肪,胆固醇,钠,总碳水化合物,膳食纤维,钙和铁。虽然FDA建议添加新部分,“添加糖”,营养事实标签去年,该提案不包括每日百分比值(见这里提出的标签的图片)。这个%dv数字很重要。The %DV is designed to put into context the number of grams a serving of the food provides for that nutrient based on the consumption of 2000 calories/day: the average number of calories some adult Americans need – i.e., a food with 100% DV of added sugar clearly has很多糖,送一个更有影响力的信息,而不是仅仅是克的数量。

目前,美国普通普通卡路里的16%来自苏打水,能源饮料,谷物食品,甜点和甜果饮料等产品中加入的糖。添加糖的每日价值百分比将设定每日总卡路里摄入量的10%。这应该有助于激励前线 - 我们希望!

这对营养事实的更新标签是一个非常积极的步骤,特别是对于患有糖尿病的人,因为它将更容易获得包装食品的清晰和可理解的营养信息。的确如图所示倾向咨询委员会成员, dietitian, and certified diabetes educator Hope Warshaw stated, she was “frankly surprised, yet delighted, to see FDA push the added sugars labeling” and complimented the FDA as “they’re making a tremendous effort to use the existing scientific evidence available to drive decisions about what’s best for the health of the public.” She was also enthusiastic about simplifying and including the percent daily value explanation as she hopes “this will help consumers understand how to interpret this information better.”


