
约翰逊&约翰逊收购Cinesse“Patch-Pen”的制造商Calibra Medical


7月13日,约翰逊和约翰逊获得的Calibra医疗,1型和2型糖尿病的技巧“胰岛素贴片笔”的制造商。The slimly designed Finesse (2 inches long, 1 inch wide, and only 1⁄4 inch thick) is worn on the body, is entirely mechanical (i.e., no handheld controller, displays, or batteries), and is designed to deliver bolus doses of rapid-acting insulin by simultaneously pressing two buttons on the device. A preset dose of one or two units of bolus insulin can be administered per click, and if more insulin is needed than the preset dose, the buttons can be pushed repeatedly. The device does not deliver basal insulin or a basal rate, so patients using it take their basal insulin separately – this allows the device to be far smaller than a typical pump, although it is obviously not as physiologic. The Finesse has a total reservoir capacity of 200 units, meaning the Finesse “patch-pen” will last at least three days for the typical user. (Editor’s Note: This information is based on published product information prior to the acquisition, so it may change).

在我们看来,Calibra系统的最大益处是简单,尺寸和自由裁量权(例如,能够通过衣服快速推移)。与注射器或钢笔相比,我们认为这项技巧将为2型糖尿病的人提供非常有用的替代品,他们目前服用(或应该服用)膳食胰岛素。Additionally, we believe some people with type 1 diabetes may be attracted to Calibra’s device as well – while they would still need to take basal insulin using an insulin pen or syringe, the Finesse should make taking mealtime insulin much less of a hassle and much more private. In the future, we also believe the device could be used not only for just insulin, but potentially forSymlin.GLP-1和发展中的其他荷尔蒙。


